More Details
Date | Event | Location |
Dates vary | Carnevale Held during the 2 or 3 weeks leading up to Shrove Tuesday. The 2 major carnivals are in Venice and Viareggio |
All over Italy |
April 25 | St. Mark's Day (Festa di San Marco ) Men traditionally present roses to the woman they love |
Venice, Veneto |
May 01 | Festival of Sant' Efisio The largest and most colourful religious procession in the world |
Cagliari, Sardinia |
June dates vary |
Calcio Fiorentino Historic football game with a difference |
Florence, Tuscany |
July 02 | Palio horse race | Siena, Tuscany |
July 3rd weekend |
Feast of the Redeemer (Festa del Redentore) A religious festival combined with true Venetian celebrations Spectacular firework display Decorated boats |
Venice, Veneto |
August 16 | Palio horse race | Siena, Tuscany |
Late August / Early September | Venice Film Festival | Venice, Veneto |
September 01 | Regatta Storica | Venice, Veneto |
September 07 | Festival San Grato | Aosta, Aosta |
September 07 | Festival of the lanterns (Festa della Rificolona) An historical event celebrating the birthday of the Virgin Mary A colourful parade with homemade paper lanterns on sticks |
Florence, Tuscany |
September 19 | Festival San Gennaro | Naples, Campania |