Italian News Headlines 07-02-2025: Milan bans smoking in the street from 5th January 2025 --- A museum dedicated to Lord Byron is set to open in a house in Ravenna, where the English poet conducted a love affair with the aristocratic owner's wife --- Via Montenapoleone, in Milan, has overtaken New York's Fifth Avenue, to become the most expensive retail destination in 2024, according to a report be real estate group, Cushman & Wakefield --- Matilde Lorenzi, 19 year old Italian junior ski champion, has died following a crash while training in northern Italy --- Italian doctors in Turin have saved the sight of a baby in a surgical procedure that used 3D technology in a world first --- Italian yacht, Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli, loses to Ineos Brittania in the Louis Vuitton America's Cup Challenger Series in Barcelona --- Salvatore (Totò) Schillaci, FIFA World Cup winner in 1990, has died at the age of 59. He was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2022 --- Charles Leclerc wins at Monza for Ferrari in Italian F1 Grand Prix --- 7 dead as luxury, Italian-built superyacht sinks off the north coast of Sicily

Pane Carasau

Pane Carasau

Pane carasau is ancient, traditional bread from the Italian island of Sardinia. Evidence of its existence have been found in old Sardinian stone structures (nuraghi) dating it back to 3500-1200BC.

It is a large (a round measuring about half a meter across), very thin, crispy flatbread made from durum wheat, salt, yeast and water which has been baked in an extremely hot, wood fired bread (pizza) oven. It is cooked for a few minutes in the front of the oven until it puffs up, it is then split into two and each piece is re-baked.

The bread was originally baked for shepherds who were away from home for many months with their flocks. Pane Carasau will last up to a year so was an invaluable source of food for them to take with them. It can be eaten just as it is, warmed with oil or soaked in water to soften and expand it.

It is generally referred to as 'carta di musica' which means music paper, due to its extra thin, almost parchment like quality.

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